International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD)

ISRD Presentations at the American Society of Criminology in Chicago 2021

At the American Society of Criminology in Chicago on November 17, 2021, we organized a panel on the ISRD project. There were three presentations:

School and home based responding in online youth crime survey: A natural experiment related to school lockdown in Spring 2020. Janne Kivivuori, Markus Kaakinen, Anna Raeste, Matt Näsi, all of University of Helsinki and Dirk Enzmann, University of Hamburg.

ISRD Data Please Let Us Know.. Which Theory of Criminality is the Most General and How? Chris E. Marshall, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Stuti Kokkalera, Sam Houston State University, and Ineke Haen Marshall, Northeastern University. 

The Impact of Survey Data Quality on Criminological Research Findings: Results of the ISRD3 Study. Dirk Enzmann, Hamburg University.


The ISRD project was also featured in an ASC panel in Chicago convened by Steven Messner, New York University at Albany, “Realizing the Promise of Comparative Research on Crime” in a paper presented by Ineke Haen Marshall, Northeastern University, Kelly Guinn, University of Iowa and Karen Heimer, University of Iowa, with the title “Social Welfare Regimes and Happiness: The Roles of Relative Deprivation and Victimization.” Susanne Karstedt, Griffith University was the virtual discussant.

Some pictures from the American Society of Criminology 2021 ISRD panel. 

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