International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD)
*Note that this list is still being updated
Highlighted Books
Enzmann, D., Kivivuori, J., Mashall, I. H., Steketee, M., Hough, M., Killias, M. (2018). A Global Perspective on Young People as Offenders and Victims- First Results from the ISRD3 Study. Springer Briefs in Criminology. 1-85. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-63233-9. More information about this series at
- Hough, M. & Roché, S. (2018). Minority Youth and Social Integration: The ISRD-3 Study in Europe and the US. Springer International Publishing. 1-248. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-89462-1. More information about this book at
- Junger-Tas, J., Marshall, I. H., Enzmann, D., Killias, M., Steketee, M., Grusaczynska, B. (2012). The Many Faces of Youth Crime: Contrasting Theoretical Perspectives on Juvenile Delinquency across Countries and Cultures. Springer Science & Business Media.
- Junger-Tas, J., Marshall, I. H., Enzmann, D., Killias, M., Steketee, M., & Gruszczynska, B. (2010). Juvenile Delinquency in Europe and Beyond: Results of the Second International Self-Report Delinquency Study. Springer-Verlag New York. 1-434. DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-95982-5. More information about this book at
- Junger-Tas, J., Marshall, I. H., Ribeaud, D. (2003). Delinquency in an International Perspective: The International Self-Report Delinquency Study. Criminal Justice Press. More on this book from Google Books
- Junger-Tas, J., Klein, M. W., Terlouw, G. J. (1994). Delinquent Behavior Among Young People in the Western World: First Results of the International Self-Report Delinquency Study. RDC- Minister of Justice, Kugler Publications.
Special Journal Issues on ISRD
- (2019). A Global View on Youth Crime and Victimization: Results From the International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD3). Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 35(4).
- (2019). What May Be Learned about Crime in Europe (and Beyond) from International Surveys of Youth: Results from the International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD3). European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 25.
- (2013). Theoretical and Methodological Insights From the Second International Self-Report Study of Delinquency (ISRD-2). Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 29(1).
- (2013). Josine Junger-Tas: The Life and Works of a Compassionate Criminologist. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Thematic Issue: Compassionate Criminology. 19.
Highlighted Dissertations
- Koekkoek, E. (2024). Parents, Peers and Self-Control: What is the Role of Culture in Explaining Youth Delinquency? Utrecht University].
- Boci, M. (2022). Delinquent Behaviors Among Post-Socialist Juveniles: How Do Social Control and Self-Control Theories Explain Them? (Master of Arts in Sociology). The University of Wisconsin, Retrieved from
- Diogo, D. C. B. (2022). Adaptation of the internet based sample of the International Self-Report Delinquency 4 – exploratory study. (Masters). Retrieved from
- Lima, T. D. P. (2021). Parental divorce and related experiences in the explanation of juvenile delinquency. (Master in Psychology). BUM, Retrieved from
- Lima, Tânia Pereira (2021). O Divórcio Parental e as Experiências Conexas na Explicação da Delinquência Juvenil. (Master’s thesis), University of Minho.
- Sauka, U. (2021). Delikvence mládeže a vrstevnické skupiny (Juvenile delinquency and peer groups). (Bachelor). Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta. Retrieved from
- Tsushima, M. (2022). Trust in the Police Force, Police Legitimacy, and the Intent to Offend: A Study of Japanese Teenagers.
- Uhl, J. (2022). Adolescent Friendship Groups, Gender, and Delinquency in a Cross-National Context. (Doctor of Philosophy). Pennsylvania State University,
- Abreu, Catarina Pereira (2019). A caracterizaçāo do comportamento delinquente dos jovens em Portugal com recurso ao ISRD3. (Master’s thesis), University of Minho.
- Asatryan, Silva. (2014). Delinquency in the Republic of Armenia. (M.A. Thesis), Yerevan State University.
- Baz Cores, O. (2017). La socialización legal en la adolescencia. Una aproximación empírica al contexto español. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Castilla-La Mancha.
- Bills, M. (2017). The Impact of Low Self-Control and Risky Lifestyles on Juvenile Victimization. (M.A.). Sam Houston State University, Ann Arbor. Retrieved from
- Costa, Patrícia Dias (2016). Julgamento Moral, Idade, Sexo e Delinquência Juvenil: Dados do ISRD-3. (Master’s thesis), University of Minho.
- Costa, Tiago André Martins. (2013). Da vitimização infantil ao desvio e delinquência juvenil : estudo exploratório com a aplicação do instrumento ISRD2. (Master’s thesis), University of Minho.
- Dias, Marisa Alves (2016). Saídas Noturnas, Consumo de Álcool e Delinquência Juvenil: Dados do ISRD3. (Master’s thesis), University of Minho.
- Fernández-Pacheco Alises, Gloria. (2009). Delincuencia juvenil y victimización en la segunda generación en España, dentro del contexto europeo. (Doctoral Dissertation), Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca.
- Gomes, Catarina Pinto Gomes (2020). Delinquência Juvenil: Papel das Zonas de Residência e do Conhecimento Parental. (Master’s thesis), University of Minho.
- Hernandez, Zayra. (2011). Testing social control and self-control theories: Juvenile risky behaviors in Hangzhou, China. (Master’s thesis), Sam Houston State University.
- Moravcová, Eva. (2009). Problematika part, gangů a delikventních uskupení mládeže. Otázka členství v gangu. (Bachelor’s thesis), Charles University, Prague.
- Moravcová, Eva. (2012). Identifikace respondenta jako člena gangu v ISRD2: Česká repulika v evropském kontextu (Master’s Thesis), Charles University.
- Morillo, Solbey. (2014). Conductas Antisociales Autoreveladas en Estudiantes Adolescentes: La Escuela, la Familia y los Amigos. (Doctoral Thesis), Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela.
- Perez, G. (2017). At the Sight of Opportunity Who Gets High: A Cross-National Study of Self-Control. (M.A.). University of Delaware, Ann Arbor. Retrieved from
- Posick, C. (2012). Untangling offending and victimization: A comparative study of the victim-offender overlap. (Ph.D.). Northeastern University, Ann Arbor. Retrieved from
- Roh, M. (2017). A Cross – National Study of Youth Offending: Toward an Integration of Individual and Macro Theory of Crime. (Ph.D.). Northeastern University, Ann Arbor. Retrieved from
- Sabia, M. F. (2016). Predictability of Delinquency through Psychosocial and Environmental Variables across Three Generational Status Groups. (Ph.D.). Walden University, Ann Arbor. Retrieved from
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Guo, S., & Wang, Y. (2024). Investigating predictors of juvenile traditional and/or cyber offense using machine learning by constructing a decision support system. Computers in Human Behavior, 152.
- Hoffmann, J. P. (2024). Self-control, peers, and adolescent substance use: an international analysis, Journal of Substance Use, 29:2, 246-251.
Krajewski, A. T., Geibler, R. H., Jacobs, B. A., & Berg, M. T. (2024). School honor cultures and violence: The role of cultural orientation and dispersion. Justice Quarterly.
Marshall, I.H., Kokkalera, S. S., & Marshall, C. E. (2024). Testing Key Concepts of Three Delinquency Theories in a Multi-National Sample of Adolescents. Deviant Behavior, 1-28.
- Walters, G. D. (2024). Moderation of the antisocial cognition-offending relationship by neighborhood disorder: A multilevel analysis of adolescents from eight Western European countries. Criminal Justice Review.
- Hoffmann, J. P. (2023). Family structure, unstructured socializing, and delinquent behavior. Journal of Criminal Justice, 87.
- Walters, G. D. (2023). The person-computer interface in delinquency research: Proactive criminal thinking as a moderator of the hacking with peers-juvenile offending relationship. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology.
- Baz Cores, O., & Fernández Molina, E. (2022). An empirical approach to the study of legal socialization in adolescence. European Journal of Criminology, 19(2), 237-258. Retrieved from
- Farren, D., & Wetzels, P. (2022). The importance of the procedural fairness of police action when checking young people for their willingness to commit crime. Criminology – The Online Journal, 4(3), 296-334. Retrieved from
- Felson, R. B., & Vanhee, A. J. (2022). Situational Peer Effects on Delinquency1. Justice Quarterly, 40(3), 427–449.
- Fernandez-Pacheco Alises, G., Torres-Jimiéz, M., Martins, P. C., & Mendes, S. M. V. (2022). Analysing the Relationship Between Immigrant Status and the Severity of Offending Behaviour in Terms of Individual and Contextual Factors. Fronteirs in Psychology, 13. Retrieved from
- Gualco, B., Focardi, M., Defraia, B., Calvello, P., & Rensi, R. (2022). Cyberbullying victimization among adolescencts: results of the International self-report delinquency study 3,. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 27(1), 125-134. Retrieved from
- Gualco, B., Focardi, M., Gold, B., & Rensi, R. (2022). Lifestyle and deviant behaviors of young people in Italy: can sport prevent juvenile delinquency? The results of the International Self Report Delinquency Study-3 (ISRD-3). Rassegna Italiana Di Criminolgia, XVI(2), 156-167. Retrieved from
- Hoffmann, J. P. (2022). Family Structure, Unstructured Socializing, and Heavy Substance. International Journal of Environmental and Residental Public Health, 19(14), 8818. Retrieved from
- Hughes, L. A., Botchkovar, E. V., Antonaccio, O., & Timmer, A. (2022). Schools, Subcultural Values, and the Risk of Youth Violence: The Influence of the Code of the Street among Students in Three U.S. Cities. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 244-260. Retrieved from
- Johnson, N. J., & Mendlein, A. (2022). Quantifying Marginality Across the Globe: An Empirical Assessment of Vigil’s Multiple Marginality Model in Predicting Gang Involvement. International Criminal Justice Review, 32(2), 151-177. Retrieved from
- Kammigan, I. (2022). Reflecting on the Interaction of Self-Control and Morality in Situational Action Theory: Comparing Absolute and Relative Effects of Self-control in 28 Countries. Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Retrieved from
- Lowe, C. C., Ellonen, N., Miller, B. L., & Peltonen, K. (2022). Best Served Cold: Vengeful Attitudes and Violence among Finnish Adolescents. Deviant Behavior, 43(2), 163-178. Retrieved from
- Posick, C., & Rocque, M. (2022). Integrating Individual Risk and Social Exposure to Violence: A Multilevel Victimization Perspective. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(7-8), NP4840-NP4864.
- Sakalauskas, G., Kalpokas, V., Buzaitytė-Kasalynienė, J., & Švedaitė-Sakalauskė, B. (2022). International Comparison of Manifestations and Tendencies of Latent Juvenile Delinquency in Lithuania. Socialinė Teorija, Empirija, Politika Ir Praktika, 24, 101-117. Retrieved from
Alexander T. Vazsonyi (2021). Problems of Cross-Cultural Criminology no More! Testing Two Central Tenets of Self-Control Theory Across 28 Nations. Journal of Criminal Justice.
Doelman, E., Luijk, M., Marshall, I. H., Enzmann, D., Jongerling, J. & M. Steketee (2021) The association between child maltreatment and delinquency in the context of Situational Action Theory. European Journal of Criminology (accepted March 30, 2021) https://DOI:10.1177 14 7 7 3 7 0 8 2 1 1 0 1 3 3 0 0
- Depressive Mood and Violent Behaviour among Teenagers: A Gender Dynamic Approach to the Study of Stressor Effects Claire Gavray, Aurore Boulard Psychology Vol.12 No.5, May 28, 2021
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2021.125048 - Gavray, C., & Boulard, A. (2021). Depressive Mood and Violent Behaviour among Teenagers: A Gender Dynamic Approach to the Study of Stressor Effects. Psychology, 12(5).
- Kokoravec, I. and Meško, G. (2021). Mladoletniško prestopništvo v Sloveniji skozi leta [Juvenile Delinquency in Slovenia Over the Years]. In G. Meško (ed.), Varnost v ruralnih skupnostih – med ruralnimi in urbanimi perspektivami (pp. 203-234). Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Maribor.
- Martins, P., Oliveira, V., Carvalho, M., Mendes, S., & Fernandes-Pacheco, G. (2021). After-school time use of urban adolescents: Effects on achievement, problem behaviors, and happiness. Journal of Leisure Research, 52(3), 286-306. DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2020.1785977.
- Mathys, C., Grégoire, J., Gavray, C., Pauwels, L.J.R., (2021). Explications situationnelles et sociales du comportement délinquant: Test des hypothèses centrales de la théorie de l’action situationnelle auprès d’un échantillon d’adolescents belges. Revue Criminologie 54 (2): 267-294.
- Matthew Kafafian, Ekatarina Botchkovar & Ineke Haen Marshall, Moral Rules, Self-Control, and School Context. Additional evidence on Situational Action Theory from 28 countries (2021) Journal of Quantitative Criminology (accepted March 2021)
- Topçuoğlu, Tuba. (2021). Gençlerin Kuraldışı Davranışlarındaki Cinsiyet Farklılıkları (Sex Differences in Adolescents’ Delinquent Behaviour). Istanbul: Alfa.
- Yao, Wei, Siu, Cheuk Lap Jack, & Zhong, Hua. (2021). Pandemic-Related Strain, Negative Emotions and Delinquent Copings among Chinese Adolescents: Public High Schools VS. Vocational High Schools. International Journal of Social Policy and Education.
- Fernández-Molina, E. & Bartolomé, R. (2020). Juvenile crime drop: What is happening with youth in Spain and why? European Journal of Criminology, 17 (3), 306–331.
- Gloria Fernández-Pacheco Alises (2020). Victimización por ciberacoso en adolescentes: prevalencia y perfiles en jóvenes portugueses. In Fernández- Pacheco, G. and Llaquet, J. L. (dir.) El sistema jurídico ante la digitalización: Estudios de Derecho Público y Criminología. Valencia: Tirant lo Blach. pp. 435 – 468.
- Grijalva, Áurea y Grimaldo, Rolando (2020). Género, familia, conductas antisociales y victimización. En Huesca, Ana y Grimaldo, Rolando (coords.): “Aspectos Sociales en la Seguridad Ciudadana, pp. 185-198. Madrid: Dykinson.
- ‘La Cifra Oculta en los Delitos de Odio. Un Análisis Multinivel Sobre las Causas de la Infra Denuncia en Países de Europa.’ (The Dark Figure of Hate Crime: A Multilevel Analysis of the Causes of Under-Reporting in European Countries.) Marco Teijón-Alcalá, Christopher Birkbeck. Revista General de Derecho Penal, 2020, 33
- Martins, Paula Cristina; Oliveira, Vitor Hugo; Mendes, Sílvia María; Gloria Fernández-Pacheco Alises (2020) After-school time use of urban adolescents: Effects on achievement, problem behaviors, and happiness. Journal of Leisure Research. pp. 1 – 22.
- Stuti Kokkalera, Ineke Haen Marshall & Chris E. Marshall (2020). How exceptional is India? A test of Situational Action Theory, Asian Journal of Criminology. 15(3), 195-218 https://doi:10.1007/s11417-020-09312-5
- UEDA, M., AIZAWA, I., & OTSUKA, E. (2020) The Development of ISRD project in Japan, “Tsumi to batsu (Crime and Punishment)”, Vol. 57(3), pp.60-72.上田光明・相澤育郎・大塚英理子 2020「国際自己申告非行調査 (International Self-Report Deliquency Study: ISRD)の日本における展開」『罪と罰』57巻3号60~72頁)
- Binik, O., Ceretti, A., Cornelli, R., Schadee, H., Verde, A., & Gatti, U. (2019). Neighborhood Social Capital, Juvenile Delinquency, and Victimization: Results from the International Self-Report Delinquency Study- 3 in 23 Countries. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 25, 241-258.
- De Buck, A., & Pauwels, L. R. J. (2019). Are Impulsive Adolescents Differentially Vulnerable to Normative or Situational Peer Influences? A Partial Replication Study. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 35(4), 1-23.
- De Buck, A., Pauwels, L.J.R. (2019). Exposure to adverse conditions, the moral sense, and involvement in juvenile delinquency and troublesome youth groups (pp29-74). In van Looij, A. (Ed.) The Psychology of Self-control. New York: Nova Publishers.
- De Buck, A., Pauwels, L. (2019). Intentions to shoplift. On the importance of dimensions of propensity in an integrated informal control /lifestyle model, Special Issue ISRD3, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research volume 25, pages 297–315
- Fernández- Molina, E. & Bartolomé, R. (2019) Delincuencia y justicia juvenil en España ¿qué sabemos?. Tirant lo Blanch.
- Fernández-Pacheco Alises, G.(2019) Cuando el color importa: delitos de odio contra la población juvenil de origen migrante desde una perspectiva comparada entre España y Portugal. In Martín Rios, B. (dir.) La prevención y represión del discurso del odio. Hacia la construcción multidisciplinar de la tolerancia. pp. 303 – 323.
- Holt, T. J., Navarro, J. N., & Clevenger, S. (2019). Exploring the Moderating Role of Gender in Juvenile Hacking Behaviors. Crime & Delinquency. 1-23.
- Killias, M., & Luukash, A. (2019). Migration, not migrants, is the problem: Delinquency among migrants and non-migrants in Switzerland and ex-Yugoslavia. European Journal of Criminology. 1-22.
- Kotlaja, M. M., & Carson, J. V. (2019). Cannabis Prevalence and National Drug Policy in 27 Countries: An Analysis of Adolescent Substance Use. 63(7), 1082-1099.
- Martins, P. C., Mendes, S. M., Fernández-Pacheco, G., & Tendais, I. (2019). Juvenile Victimization in Portugal through the Lens of ISRD-3: Lifetime Prevalence, Predictors, and Implications. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 25, 317-343.
- Policek, N., Ravagnani, L., & Romano, C.A. (2019). Victimization of Young Foreigners in Italy. European Journal of Criminology. 1-19.
- Renske, S., Herlitz, L., & Mike Hough. (2019). Contemporary Challenges in School Recruitment for Criminological Survey Research: Lessons From the International Self-Report Delinquency Study in England, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 35(4), 386-409.
- Roh, M. (2019). A Cross-National Research of Youth Offending: Suggesting Solutions for Methodological Challenges. International Journal of Scientific Research. 8(3), 50-52.
- Rocca, G., Verde, A., & Gatti, U. (2019). Impact of Alcohol and Cannabis Use on Juvenile Delinquency: Results from an International Multi-City Study (ISRD3). European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 25, 259-271.
- Steketee, M., Aussems, C., & Marshall, I. H. (2019). Exploring the Impact of Child Mistreatment and Interparental Violence on Violent Delinquency in an International Sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 1-31.
- ‘Victimization, Crime Propensity, and Deviance: A Multinational Test of General Strain Theory.’ Marco Teijón-Alcalá, Christopher Birkbeck. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 2019, 35(4):410-430.
- Back, S., Soor, S., & LaPrade, J. (2018). Juvenile Hackers: An Empirical Test of Self-Control Theory and Social Bonding Theory. International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence & Cybercrime. 1(1), 40-55.
- Baz, O., & Fernández-Molina, E. (2018). Process-Based Model in Adolescence. Analyzing Police Legitimacy and Juvenile Delinquency Within a Legal Socialization Framework. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 24, 237-252.
- Cho, S., Lee, J. M., Hong, J. S., & Thornberg, R. (2018). Applying the Lifestyle Routine Activities Theory to Explore Predictors of Various Types of Offending Behaviors among Adolescents in the United States. Journal of Criminology and Forensic Studies. 1(4), 1-16.
Ćopić, S., Stevković Lj. (2018) Roditeljski nadzor i kontrola kao faktor maloletničke delinkvencije: Rezultati međunarodne ankete samoprijavljivanjem delinkvencije (Parental Supervision and Control as a Factor of Juvenile Delinquency in Serbia: Results of the International Self-Report Delinquency Study). In: I. Stevanović (ed.) Pravda po meri deteta (Justice tailored to the child). Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, str. 279-294.
- Cuervo, K., Villanueva, L., Born, M., Gavray, C. (2018). Analysis of Violent and Non-violent Versatility in Self-Reported Juvenile Delinquency, Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. 25(21), 72-85.
- Defoe, I. N., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2018). The Relative Roles of Peer and Parent Predictors in Minor Adolescent Delinquency: Exploring Gender and Adolescent Phase Differences. Frontiers in Public Health. 6(242).
- Fernández-Molina, E., & Gutiérrez, R. B. (2018). Juvenile Crime Drop: What is Happening with Youth in Spain and Why? European Journal of Criminology. 1-26.
- Fernandez-Pacheco, G., Torres, M., Mendes, S., & Martins, P. (2018). ¿Son los jóvenes de origen migrante más propensos a la delincuencia que los jóvenes portugueses? Una aproximación dinámica con datos del ISRD-3 en Portugal. Revista Electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología, no 20-26, 1-18.
- Hare, T., Guzman, J. C., & Miller-Graff, L. (2018). Identifying High-Risk Young Adults for Violence Prevention: A Validation of Psychometric and Social Scales in Honduras. 41(5), 627-642.
- Juhásová, A., Pavelová, L., & Debnáriková, K. (2018). Current Challenges in Delinquence Prevention in School Environments. Science and Research Journal. 1(1), 7-16.
- Kokkalera, S. S., Marshall, C. E., & Marshall, I. H. (2018). The Role of Parental Mistreatment and Parental Social Control on Self-Reported Violent Offending in Indonesia and the U.S.: Does Gender Make a Difference?. Societies. 8(2), 33.
- Kotlaja, M. M. (2018). Cultural Contexts of Individualism vs. Collectivism: Exploring the Relationships Between Family Bonding, Supervision, and Deviance. European Journal of Criminology. 1-18.
- Manzoni, P. & Schwarzenegger, C. (2018). The Influence of Earlier Parental Violence on Juvenile Delinquency: The Role of Social Bonds, Self-Control, Delinquent Peer Association and Moral Values as Mediators. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research,
- Melotti, G., Potì, S., Gianesini, G., & Brighi, A. (2018). Adolescents at Risk of Delinquency. The Role of Parental Control, Trust, and Disclosure. Deviant Behavior. 39(3). 347-362.
- Melotti, G., & Passini, S. (2018). Drug Use and Violence Among Adolescents. The Mediation Effect of Attitudes Supporting Violence. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse. 27(4), 244-250.
- Muftić L. R., & Updegrove, A. H. (2018). The Mediating Effect of Self-Control on Parenting and Delinquency: A Gendered Approach With a Multinational Sample. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 62(10), 3058-3076.
- Posick, C. (2018). Reappraising the Impact of Offending on Victimization: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 62(8), 2374-2390.
- Roh, M., & Marshall. I.H. (2018). A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Agnew’s General Theory of Crime and Delinquency. Social Science and Humanities Journal. 2(1), 301-321.
- Vazsonyi, A. T., Javakhishvili, M., & Ksinan, A. J. (2018). Routine Activities and Adolescent Deviance Across 28 Cultures. Journal of Criminal Justice. 57, 56-66.
- Wallace, L. N. (2018) Cultural Links to Adolescent Weapon Carrying and Weapon Use: A Cross-National Study. International’s Criminal Justice Review. 28(2), 118-135.
- Averdijk, M., Zirk-Sadowski, J., Ribeaud, D., & Eisner, M. (2017). Long-Term Effects of Two Childhood Psychosocial Interventions on Adolescent Delinquency, Substance Use, and Antisocial Behavior: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 12(1), 21-47.
- Baz Cores, O. & Fernández-Molina, E. (2017). Process-based model in adolescence. Analyzing police legitimacy and juvenile delinquency within a legal socialization framework. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (in press).
- Bräker, A. B., & Soellner, R. (2017). Is Drinking Contagious? An Analysis of the Collectivity of Drinking Behavior Theory Within a Multilevel Framework. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 52(6), 692-698.
- Čermáková, I., & Podaná, Z. (2017). Alcohol Use by Youth in the Czech Republic and Finland: An Empirical Test of Skog’s Theory of the Distribution of Alcohol Consumption. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica. 2, 77-92.
- De Buck, A., Pauwels, L. (2017). Determinanten van de intentie tot het plegen van winkeldiefstal bij jongeren. Een geïntegreerde benadering? Handboek Politiediensten, losbladige publicatie, aflevering juni 2017.
- Fernández-Molina, E., Beneitez, M. J. B., & Bartolomé-Gutiérrez, R. (2017). Spain. In Scott Decker and Nerea Marteache (Eds.) International Handbook of Juvenile Justice (pp. 421-444). Springer International Publishing.
- Hirtenlehner, H., & Triber, K. (2017). Can Situational Action Theory Explain the Gender Gap in Adolescent Shoplifting? Results From Austria. International Criminal Justice Review. 27(3), 165-187.
- Killias, M., & Lukash, A. M. (2017). Does Religion make a Difference? Juvenile Delinquency in Switzerland and Four Balkan Countries. C. Bijleveld, P. van der Laan (Eds.), Liber Amicorum Gerben Bruinsma, Amsterdam: Den Haag: Boom criminologie.
- Lukash, A., Chattoraj, P., Killias, M. (2017) The Third International Self-Report Study of Delinquency, Substance Use and Victimization (ISRD-3) among juveniles in Switzerland and India. Part 3 of the Report to the Swiss National Science Foundation, Project 10001A_162816.University of St. Gallen. Retrieved from:
- Lukash, A. M., & Killias, M. (2017). Who are Swiss and ex-Yugoslavian Juveniles Who Have Been Involved in Group Fights? Results of International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD-3). Europe in Crisis: Crime, Criminal Justice, and the Way Forward; Essays in Honor of Nestor Courakis. 2, 1647- 1660.
Nikolić-Ristanović, V. (2017) Delinkvencija i viktimizacija maloletnih lica u Srbiji: Rezultati Međunarodne ankete samoprijavljivanjem delinkvencije – Sažetak i preporuke (Delinquency and victimization of juveniles in Srbija: Results of the International Self-Report Delinquency Study – Summary and Recommendations)
- Pauwels, L. (2017). Jeugddelinquentie, middelengebruik en de veronderstelde rol van religie. Een kwestie van morele gemeenschappen, ascetische levensstijl of schijneffect?’, Handboek Politiediensten, losbladige publicatie, aflevering 121 (februari 2017), Wolters Kluwer.
- Podaná, Z. (2017). Violent victimization of youth from a cross-national perspective: An analysis inspired by routine activity theory. International Review of Victimology, 0269758017695606. (on-line first)
- Rodríguez, J. A., Santiago, N. P., Birkbeck, C. H., Crespo, F., & Morillo, S. (2017). Internationalizing the Study of Gang Membership: Validation Issues From Latin America. British Journal of Criminology. 57, 1165-1184.
- Sabia, M. F., Hickman, G. P., & Barkley, W. M. (2017). Predicting Delinquency through Psychosocial and Environmental Variables among Immigrant and Native-Born Adolescents. Cross-Cultural Studies eJournal. 2(40), 1-35.
- Savolainen, J., Applin, S., Messner, S. F., Hughes, L. A., Lytle, R., & Kivivuori, J. (2017). Does the Gender Gap in Delinquency Vary By Level of Patriarchy? A Cross-National Comparative Analysis. Criminology. 55(4), 726-753.
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