International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD)

New ISRD Publication! A Global Perspective on Young People as Offenders and Victims. First Results from the ISRD3 Study

A Global Perspective on Young People as Offenders and Victims, First Results from the ISRD3 Study is authored by Dirk Enzmann, Janne Kivivuori, Ineke Haen Marshall, Majone Steketee, Mike Hough & Martin Killias and is published by Springer (2017).  Inspection copies will be available at the Springer desk in Cardiff.

In the Preface, Michael Gottfredson writes:

“Young People as Offenders and Victims of Crime carries on the tradition of the ISRD of concern about the measurement properties of the self-report instruments. In this volume are studies of differential response, using innovative methods to investigate social desirability effects and their impact on country-level uses of the data. Understanding the relations among respondent characteristics and self-report responses has important implications for the use of self-report data for causal study. Differential validity by country, or other respondent characteristics of explanatory interest (say, self control), provides important information necessary for testing casual arguments with self-report data. A laudable concern for the limitations of the data is a hallmark of this volume and also of previous work by these authors (see e.g., Marshall & Enzmann 2012). Publication of the first findings from ISRD3 is an exciting event. This is, of course, only a preliminary sampling of the vast potential of these data. But already the evidence is in: the design and execution of this major research project provides information that will enrich criminology for years to come.”

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